Gates of Hades 4:34

This is a vision before and after passing step of the gate. Its hard to picture this , especially as nobody knows where it is..

Boatman Acheron 4:52

This is second composition to album Gates of Hades. I come back there to not forget to pay fee to boatman acheron.

Behind the wall of fog 6:03

This is connected whith questions witch it hard to find the answers. You just have to wait till the fog falls down and everything is clear and simple..

Marshes of the Styks 4:10

Another comp. To album Gates of Hades. Styks is the name of the river on the fifth circle of Hell. Styks creates a swamp where the condemned for anger and constantly fighting, drowning. Styks circle hell city Disa placed in the lowest circles of Hell.

Tartarus 4:19

The last composition to album Gates of Hades..